Every Little Nookie (Regional, Stratford Festival, Studio Theatre, 2022) | Playbill

Every Little Nookie



When a suburban boomer couple return home to find their queer millennial daughter, Annabel, hosting a swingers’ party to make cash, they’re forced to question the state of their marriage. Annabel, in turn, must ponder her own future when she adds a new relationship to her chosen family of polyamorous and platonic roommates. In this high-spirited sex romp, it’s not just the earth that moves, as shifting paradigms encourage new possibilities, both personal and political.

Directed by Ted Witzel

Featuring Marion Adler, Stephen Jackman-Torkoff, John Koensgen, Khadijah Roberts-Abdullah, Rose Tuong, Veronica Hortiguela, Robert King, Richard Lam


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