PHOTO CALL: Days and Somers Lead Cast Once Around the Sun with Opening of New Musical | Playbill

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News PHOTO CALL: Days and Somers Lead Cast Once Around the Sun with Opening of New Musical Maya Days and Asa Somers are currently leading the cast of the new musical Once Around the Sun - which celebrated its opening night on Aug. 11 - at the hip Zipper Theatre in midtown Manhattan.
From Top: Maya Days (left) and Asa Somers; Caren Lyn Manuel

According to press materials, the rocking new show centers around "an invitation from a beautiful stranger [that] offers a struggling New York musician the opportunity to escape his disappointments and take a leap of faith into his dream — but at the risk of betraying family, life-long friends and true love." At left, Days, Somers and co-star Caren Lyn Manuel are seen arriving at the opening night party. Below, writers Steven and Robert Morris take a moment from the festivities to smile for the camera in the "Loft" at the Zipper Theatre on West 37th Street.

Photos by Aubrey Reuben

From Left: Steven and Robert Morris
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