Chicago Dunsinane Offers a Sequel to Macbeth | Playbill

News Chicago Dunsinane Offers a Sequel to Macbeth In recent years New York has seen a one-man Macbeth, several traditional Macbeths, a deconstructed Macbeth (Sleep No More) and even a drunken Macbeth. But Chicago Shakespeare Theater is taking the bold extra step to host a full-scale sequel to Shakespeare’s tale of sound and fury, titled Dunsinane.

A sequel 400-plus years in the making, David Greig’s play examines the politics that ensue in Scotland after an English army helps replace King Macbeth with King Malcolm (Ewan Donald) and then begins to interfere in the politics of the newly freed nation. In this version Lady Macbeth (Siobhan Redmond) survives and continues to make trouble for Malcolm and the English. The play draws parallels with the Iraq War and the Western attempts at nation-building after Saddam Hussein was deposed and killed. Dunsinane originated in the U.K. in 2010 as a co-production between The National Theatre of Scotland and Royal Shakespeare Company.

Chicago performances are scheduled through March 22. Roxana Silbert directs.

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